maandag 21 januari 2019

What I want to be when I grow up

Since I was young, people have been asking me what I want to become when I grow up. Everyone around me seemed to know. A lot of girls in my class wanted to become a mom (None of the boys wanted to become a dad, however I won’t use this blog for ranting about equality) or a flowergirl(?). One of my childhood friends wanted to be an inventor, and is actually designing escape rooms now. I never knew what I wanted. I knew I liked to help and teach, but I didn’t like school. I didn’t excel in any specific subject in school, I got good grades when I learned properly and didn’t when I didn’t learn. Nothing I excelled in, so far. Although there was one thing. I was smart enough, creative enough, to find ways of ditching the classes I didn’t experience as useful. Because I felt like that was a waste of time and energy. Teachers either liked me or hated me, because if they didn’t know their subject well, didn’t respect us and didn’t acknowledge that they are human and make mistakes as well, I was an annoying piece of shit (only when they deserved it). When they acted like human beings and treated us like that, I was kind and funny and very helpful.

For the last 7 months I have been doing a job where I was working at a desk on a computer 5 days a week. I knew I am not made for that, but now I proved that point as well. I felt stuck, I felt suffocated, I felt like all my energy had no way out and reflected back inside me, slowly turning my mood and energy black. I felt like I was doing too many things I didn’t want to do or learn. Clearly this is not what I want to be when I grow up. So then what? 

Waste of resources

I think it is a waste of resources if you are working at a company, (partly) doing things you are not good at, you don’t like and you don’t want to learn. This world is full of diverse people who all like different things. Some people love administrative tasks or finding the best way through the tax system. It’s waste of time and energy if you are trying to find your way through the tax system if you don’t like it, you don’t want to learn it and you know others can definitely do a better job. Especially if the right resources like time, information, help and the right programs aren’t provided by the company. It’s also frustrating, because you are well aware of the fact that even if you have an okay result, someone else would have an awesome result with much less time and effort. So instead of wasting your time and energy on things you don’t excel in, like or want to learn, you could better use your energy for things you are making a significant difference in. I know it’s not as black and white as described here, but I believe many resources like energy, time and also money are wasted on following job descriptions or on order of the boss. If a freelancer would do better work in one day than an employee in five days, it might still be cheaper and smarter to hire a freelancer.

What I want to be when I grow up

So I still have no freaking clue what I want to do when I grow up. But… I do know what I want to be while growing older.
What I want to be is a happy human being, someone who adds value by using her qualities to make this world a bit better.

Like I said, I am not specifically good at one thing and I like many things. So I don’t want to specify, I want to be able to take different opportunities and bring something to places with various goals.

So I decided to start as a freelancer. What my company will be about? About me. Imaginary voice inside my head: Well, that’s very self-centered of you. How do you think a company functions that is centered around the owner of the company? Well, the company will be about me using my qualities to add value. I think in an ideal world, people shouldn’t brainlessly follow the job descriptions, but job descriptions should be adapted to the person. If everyone would be their own brand, doing the things where they add the most value, resources are spend more wisely. If this works? I have no freaking clue. But if you think this should or could be the way, I could really use your help to make it possible.
I’ve never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.
If you happen to have, see or know any freelance opportunities that you think suit me, please let me know! List of passions, qualities and interests below J
I want to learn, I want to develop, I want to grow. But most of all, I want to be me. Because I am much more powerful, creative and happy if I can be me.
Also, I am up for tea, coffee or hot chocolate to chat about life, Pipi Longstocking, new opportunities or anything else, hit me up with invites!

P.S. No worries, I am not actually planning on growing up. Pipi Longstocking is still my biggest role model.



What are my qualities, passions or interests?

Besides passion on the listed subjects, I also have a whole lot of experience, check my LinkedIn or my previous blog if you want to learn more about that. Or just ask me.

·        Working with people. Together you’re smarter and stronger. Everyone has something to bring. To recognize that and see how to support someone to bring as much as possible, is one of my strong points.
·        Facilitating workshops, trips and trainings. About diversity, self-esteem, body confidence, innovation, behavior, playing outdoor, creating an inclusive atmosphere and anything else that I feel passionate about.
·        Employee engagement. Happy and content employees are the key to a good functioning company. Are you listening to your employees? Are you providing the elements they need to do their work well?
·        Innovation. Everything changes all the time. So as a company you can’t always keep doing things the exact way you did them before. But embracing change isn’t that easy, it has to do with power structures, culture and most of all, people. Seeing the whole picture from different sides is what I am good at.
·        Traveling. Because there is no better way to get to know yourself. I also love guiding tours, trips and travels.
·        Helping organizations and companies to reach a goal. Like ‘playing outside more’, by activating the employees to come with sustainable solutions to the identified problem, because I believe employees know the practical situation best so have a better view on what makes the biggest impact.
·        Outdoor therapy. (0-20 years old, personal or in a group) Being outside, playing together, learning about yourself and others. While having fun, experiencing what your qualities are and how to work with others to reach the full potential. Learning while playing outside, in natural surroundings. More news about this will follow soon.
·        Working with kids. Kids (and their educators) need support to be able to reach their full potential. They have to know themselves, believe in themselves and be able to communicate with the world around them. Also they need support and love, to be able to believe in themselves and find the strength to go on adventures in the outside world. From there on they can start learning. Helping kids by providing a nurturing environment around them, is something that excites me.  
·        Improving the social/care/school system. The current social system in the Netherlands (and I know we are very lucky to have this system, it’s already so much better than in many places) bureaucracy makes it hard sometimes to really put the kids/clients in the center of the provided support. So I'd like to work on making it better or work on other solutions outside of the system.
·        Organizing, hosting, hospitality, etc.. I can do many things J
·        Being creative and thinking differently. Always seeing endless possibilities, a non-believer of impossible and a believer of the good in people.